- All SDE 11+ Mock Exams in 2024 are taking place in Exam Halls (not online).
- All of SDE’s 2024 11+ Mock Exam test papers have been written internally by Susan Daughtrey Education.
- We recommend you select the appropriate ‘style’ of 11+ mock exam in order ensure your child gets the very most from their SDE 11+ Mock Exam experience.
- All of SDE’s 11+ Mock Exam locations have been carefully inspected by SDE and found to be ideal venues for 11+ Mock Exams.
- All of our Multiple-Choice Mock Exams now benefit from our Susan Daughtrey 11+ Dynamic Video Tuition® service, giving you access to a video tutorial, devised and narrated by an SDE tutor, for every question your child answered incorrectly on the test paper(s).
GL Assessment® is an official 11+ test provider. SDE is not associated with either organisation. SDE’s tests have been written to assist children who are preparing for these types of ‘real’ 11+ exam.