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11 Courses – Buckinghamshire Susan Daughtrey Education Courses – Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire (written by Susan for Buckinghamshire 11 candidates)
The 2018 Buckinghamshire 11 tests will be provided by GL Assessment® with effect from September 2018 (GL Assessment is the official 11 test provider for Buckinghamshire and SDE is not associated with or affiliated to GL Assessment). All Susan Daughtrey Education Courses in Buckinghamshire are designed to prepare students for the new tests. Susan Daughtrey Education 11 Courses in Buckinghamshire begin with the Foundation Course (30 weeks – 1 1/2 hours per week) in January of Year 4 or the shorter version of the Foundation Course (17 weeks – 1 1/2 hours per week) which commences in May. The Foundation Course classes end immediately prior to October half term (when your child will be in Year 5). The Year 5 Course then commences after October half term and runs all the way up to the actual Buckinghamshire 11 tests the following September.Features of all Susan Daughtrey Education Courses
SDE’s Buckinghamshire Courses comprise the following features:- A Prep-Bag™ containing Course materials is given to each child at the beginning of the Course.
- A Parents’ Meeting giving detailed information about the Courses, and offering parents the opportunity for discussion and to have any queries answered, is held at the beginning of the Year 5 Course.
- The Course focuses on teaching your child the techniques required to successfully approach each type of question.
- Regular ‘mini’ and periodic ‘progress’ tests are administered throughout the Courses to help monitor your child progress.
- Test paper practice sessions are set in class under examination conditions in the final part of the Year 5 Course. Holiday homework, to continue familiarity and practice, is set on a scheduled homework programme during Year 5.
Refresher Course
A Refresher Course comprising three days at the end of the school summer holidays gives the opportunity for intensive revision. The Refresher Course is an optional extra and is only available to the students who have attended the SDE 11 Course (Year 5) throughout the school year.Summer Revision and Testing Course
For students who have not attended the SDE 11 Course (Year 5) throughout the year, we offer a 20 hour intensive ‘Revision and Testing’ Course over 5 days during the summer holidays. This Course is aimed at those students who have been preparing for the 11 during Year 5 and who would benefit from additional revision and test paper practice. The Summer Revision and Testing Course is not suited to students who have attended the SDE 11 Course (Year 5) throughout the year; these students should opt for the Refresher Course.Further information If you would like your details to be entered on the Susan Daughtrey Education database so that you receive information about current or future Susan Daughtrey Education Courses, please complete the form below.