While we hope for a ‘return to normality’ this year, we are resigned to the fact that special measures are highly likely to be necessary. The exact arrangements will depend on the circumstances nearer to the time and the latest Government Guidance to the Out of School Sector. At the present time, all SDE 11+ Mock Exam ‘bubbles’ are being limited to 15 candidates and accommodation has been booked so that we can adhere to 2 metres distancing between candidates while the children are writing their tests. It may be possible to relax these arrangements if the pandemic subsides.
As well as being provide with access to comparative data for the children attending the Session with your child, you will also be able to access our
All Time Lists of Scores which include the results of all candidates who have written the same test papers in past years. The All Time Lists of Scores are likely to contain the most comprehensive and reliable 11+ Mock Exam comparative data available.